Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Have My Period And Flu

Diary of the garden group (# 4)

The Feast at 17.4. together with the Action network Global Agriculture for Tag "La Via Campesina has exceeded our expectations for sure. Between 300 and 500 guests were in our neighborhood garden behind the Bethanien in Berlin-Kreuzberg a very green and sunny afternoon, with delicious cakes, a great seed stock and very fortifying food. This gabs very informative and well designed exhibits to community gardens in Berlin and Via Campesina world. Here in the rush first few photos ... - Everything you can find others here:
break Photo Archive: La Via Campesina action day "mute, rocks, gardens
La Via Campesina: Berlin: Celebrating April 17, in a community garden
Indymedia: Via Campesina meets Ton Steine Gardens

The following photos are from the side of the break picture archive, many thanks!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Xeon Vs I7 Rendering 2010

invitation to lecture "Computer crime - the modern shop theft in the 21st Century"

The Kärntnerland team for Vienna and Lower Austria and the Bank Schelhammer & Schattera load on 7th May, beginning at 18.00 clock, the talk of the engineer Thomas Mandl , IT Security Consulting, on "Computer crime - the modern shop theft in the 21st Century" .

is in his lecture Ing Mandl, editor of applied IT security issues at the Danube University Krems, Vienna Technical College, and FH ST. Pölten, on the following one:

- What is the Threat Image Internet is actually from?
- What danger of social networks?
- How to recognize an attack on my computer system?
- Preventive measures - how can I protect myself from it?
- What every computer user should note - the 10 Commandments of Information Security.

CV of the presenter:

Following presentation and discussion is one tasty! Karntna Netzwerkln.

Bank Schelhammer & Schattera
Goldschmiedgasse 3 (input passage)
1010 Vienna

Please register by e-mail to fourth May asks:
E-mail: klm-wien (at)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Which Arm Should I Get An Armband Tattoo On

John Defner again as chairman of the KLM for Wien & NÖ elected

At the 120th Annual Meeting of the Carinthian team for Vienna and Lower Austria Johannes Defner was on Saturday 10 April 2010 again appointed as chairman. As deputies - they also took up the re-election - Christian act Passin and Martin Vehovetz. All three officers were elected unanimously. (The photo from left: Passin, Defner, Vehovetz)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Buttons On Male Coats

invitation for Saturday, 04/17/2010 - for seed exchange, cake, coffee and more.

love neighbors and neighbors!

You probably have already noticed that since last autumn after the Bethany (more precisely between Adalbertstr. And smoke house) created a community garden. On Saturday, the 17th April, we intend to make an afternoon, to which we invite you cordially.
We simultaneously have a support group of "La Via Campesina, a guest. For them, the 17th
April, a global day of action, the to commemorate the massacre of Brazilian landless. We feel connected with them through our own issues of self-sufficiency.

We will set up several information boards, to raise awareness of the global context, but also a table with home-grown seedlings and seeds. We also want to plant an apple tree, and much more.

There will be a soup kitchen, not just coffee and cake. Look around, read more, join the discussion and write your own little poster.

We look forward to meeting you!

The gardeners from the neighborhood garden ends
clay, stones, gardens

PS: More information can be found here and . Highly recommended is this Flyer (PDF) .